Game Based Learning Approach To AI Date:-27th March 2023 at 4:30pm

MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune and AICVS Club:–

The gist of AI concepts resides in the process of experimenting and learning from our surroundings.
Game-based learning provides an interactive and immersive experience that allows us to experience AI and ML concepts in a simulated environment.
We can experiment with different strategies, make mistakes and learn from them, and receive instant feedback,
all of which contribute to an effective and enjoyable learning experience.
So, let’s make our foundation strong to learn and build with our innovative ideas.AICVS brings to you an engaging and effective session by our speaker Dr.Minakshi Atre to promote an excellent way to learn AI concepts with
a game-based approach to get a deeper understanding of the subject matter.About the speaker:
She’s an IEEE senior member and also the Brand Ambassador of NVidia.
As a Bharat Vikas Awardee, she’s also a reviewer for more than 25 conferences and part of DSP MOOC, NPTEL,

and IIT Bombay led by Dr.Vikram Gadre Sir.

Session Details :
Date: 27th March 2023
Time: 4:30 pm

Venue: Instru Auditorium
Registration link details will be shared with the registered students only!
There are a limited number of seats and the clock is ticking!
So hurry up and grab the chance to be part of this amazing endeavor and register for the session!!Hoping to see you all in large numbers.
For any queries, you can revert to this mail.

AICVS Coordinators.

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